Strengthen the scientific knowledge of AMIK’s member communities in salmon management.
Variations in the temperature of rivers in Quebec can threaten the livelihood of the Atlantic salmon. Temperature changes can affect the hatching of the eggs and juvenile development. Acquiring scientific knowledge on the ecosystem of the Atlantic salmon is crucial to allow communities to better manage the resource. Our accomplishments include:
- Organization of a regional round table meeting to plan the installation of salmon sensors in different communities
- Installation of 50 thermographic sensors in 13 Innu salmon rivers during the summers of 2016 and 2017
- Analysis of the water quality in Unamen Shipu due to the potential release of leachate in the Olomane River (2016)
Financial Partners:
Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Aboriginal Fund for Species at Risk, Secrétariat aux Affaires Autochtones, Atlantic Salmon Conservation Fund (ASCF)
Partners: Seven Innu Band Councils, Centre Interuniversitaire de recherche sur le saumon atlantique (CIRSA), Ministère des Forêts, Faune et Parcs du Québec
Project Mananger: Mathieu Marsa